Law Firms

Callaghan & Co. provides a range of communication services to top-tier law firms nationwide and overseas. These include:

Pitch Preparation

In today's economy, business development is more critical - and more challenging - than ever before. Clients are shopping openly for firms that provide the best value at the lowest cost.

Callaghan works closely with lawyers to develop polished presentations that are targeted to meet client needs and differentiate the firm from its competitors. 

Coaching Services

One-on-one sessions with partners to prepare them for high-profile media interviews, major presentations and important client meetings. Also sessions with individual associates that focus on specific communication skills and provide them with an essential tool to attain partnertship - and become rainmakers for the firm.

CLE Programs

CLE-accredited programs for all lawyers, including a highly-interactive presentation skills program. This 3 ½-hour program includes a one-hour video-recorded and critiqued individual session. In these one-on-one sessions, strengths and weaknesses are quickly identified - and participants make rapid and significant improvement.