

Brian Callaghan has worked extensively for more than 25 years with business leaders – from top Fortune 500 executives to industry professionals from small and medium-sized companies. He has prepared executives for high-profile appearances on 60 Minutes, The Today Show and Dateline, as well as interviews with The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal.

Media Strategy

Intensive media strategy sessions, focusing on reporters, news organizations and stories that can do the company the most good – or the most harm.

Crisis Communications

Crisis response workshops – dealing with the press at its most aggressive, when the company’s reputation – and even its future – may be on the line.

Message Development / Media Training

How to develop clear, concise messages and memorable soundbites that resonate positively with readers, viewers and listeners. How to weave these messages seamlessly into the fabric of the interview, and speak in soundbites, while responding credibly to reporters’ questions. Video-recorded practice interviews closely replicate actual media environments.

Presentation Skills

Individual programs for CEOs and top executives, small group programs for mid-level professionals. Polishing this essential leadership skill in video-recorded and critiqued sessions. Strengths and weaknesses are quickly identified and participants make rapid improvement.